Well over 1500 years ago the Roman Empire began to show several signs of the beginning of a decline of its elite geopolitical position. A rapidly decaying infrastructure, currency debasement, and the ascension of Commodus in AD 180 surely played their roles but there have been several studies done and scholarly articles published that show […]
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The agricultural behemoth Monsanto invented the glyphosate-based herbicide known as RoundUp and began to market it to the public in 1974 after Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was almost universally banned. In the late 1990s the use of Roundup skyrocketed, thanks to Monsanto’s clever marketing strategy in which genetically engineered seeds were used to grow food crops that […]
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In recent months, we have all become aware of the various dangers of the chemicals that are used on our foods. The frontrunner in this topic is the herbicide known as Roundup that is produced and manufactured by agricultural giant Monsanto. Roundup has been linked primarily to the development of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma but studies indicate that its main ingredient, glyphosate, may cause several other types of cancers as well. So, if dying of a perfectly avoidable illness is not on your list of things to do today, how do you handle this problem? One of the best ways to stop this happening to you and your family is to eat organic.
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Our great-great-grandparents lived on a 100% totally organic diet. Modern day farming methods that involve the use of genetically modified organisms like those engineered to withstand the ever-present Roundup by Monsanto, synthetic fertilizers, other pesticides, and other herbicides, specifically those containing the cancer-causing chemical known as glyphosate, simply did not exist back then. Over the last century or so, our dietary habits and our farming practices have been altered significantly. Our bodies and our genetics, however, have not. You cannot expect to fuel your body or to reach optimal physical or mental health by eating food laced with poisonous, carcinogenic chemicals that your body doesn’t even recognize.
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Roundup is a weed killer that was developed and manufactured by Monsanto. It is used by individuals in their private gardens and in large agricultural and landscaping situations as well. .Research has clearly demonstrated an active link between, glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup weed killer to the development and growth of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Additionally, some reports also indicate this dangerous chemical ingredient could lead to the development of numerous other types of cancers. Roundup has been on the market for nearly five decades and is used for killing off weeds in yards, gardens, fields, and crops. It is also used by commercial nurseries, parks, and golf courses. Overall, the United States alone accounts for the usage of around 250 million pounds of Roundup herbicide each year. We have already spent months hearing about glyphosate’s link to non-Hodgkins lymphoma, but it is capable of causing many more ailments from its regular use.
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