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Eating Organic to Avoid Glyphosate in Your Diet? How to Stretch Your Dollar

Glyphosate is the most widely used chemical herbicide in the world and it can be found in RoundUp Weed Killer, which is the most widely used weed killer in the world. The odds are that this cancer-causing chemical is in the majority of food that is in your kitchen right now and it poses a major health risk to consumers. The best way to keep glyphosate from lurking in the corners of your kitchen is to go organic. Unfortunately, we all know that organic food tends to be more expensive than your chemical-laden, traditionally grown foods. With a little knowledge, however, and your priorities in order it is possible to buy organic where it counts and still maintain your carefully crafted food budget.

Eating Organic to Avoid Glyphosate in Your Diet? How to Stretch Your Dollar

Produce Pesticide Levels

Not all produce is created equal. Certain types of produce will have astronomical amounts of chemicals found in them while others have only a little bit. According to the non-profit organization known as Environmental Working Group, who analyze the results of government pesticide testing in the United States, this list of fruits and vegetables have the highest amounts of pesticide chemicals in them, so you are far better off buying the organic version.

  • Apples
  • Kale and other collard greens
  • Sweet bell peppers
  • Summer squash
  • Cucumbers
  • Imported nectarines
  • Celery
  • Peaches
  • Potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Hot peppers

Popularly known as the “Clean 15” the following fruits and vegetables usually have very low amounts of pesticides and other chemicals in them, even when they are conventionally farmed. If buying organic is causing an issue with your food budget, this list of produce is acceptable even in its non-organic form:

  • Asparagus
  • Onion
  • Avocado
  • Papaya
  • Mushrooms
  • Pineapple
  • Cabbage
  • Frozen sweet peas
  • Sweet corn
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Grapefruit
  • Kiwi
  • Cantaloupe
  • Mango

Organic Meat, Eggs, and Dairy

If meat, dairy, and eggs are things that you include in your diet then you should definitely be buying organic as often as possible. While health care organizations such as the American Heart Association and the National Institute of Health continually caution against eating red and processed meats, and tell us that eating saturated fat, which is in all of these, from any source increases the risk of heart disease the American public continues to chow down. There is an increasing number of studies that have led to health reports, however,  that demonstrate that eating grass-fed, organic meat, eggs, and dairy do not involve the same health risks. These products tend to have more healthy fats (Omega 3s) and lower bad fats, heavy metals, and overall chemicals. These studies also show that in addition to the lower quality of the product, the unnatural diet of today’s industrially raised, factory farmed animals plays a significant role in the issue. This would be a diet consisting of genetically modified corn, which these animals are not designed to eat or digest, and the number of hormones, antibiotics, and other medications that are continuously pumped into them.

Here at the Brady Law Group, we have a team of attorneys experienced in the field of product liability. We have the necessary experience and resources to win you all of the financial compensation that you are entitled to under California law. It is our goal to provide justice for those families that have been harmed by Monsanto, a corporation that takes pride in the fact that they put money before people. We do not shy away from difficult or complex cases and we go to any necessary lengths to protect the rights of our clients. If you would like a free consultation regarding a Roundup lawsuit that you believe you may have, please reach out to our law firm by calling (866) 211-2562 as soon as possible.

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