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Glyphosate-The Most Deadly Chemical of All

By now most of the public is aware of the scientifically proven fact that Monsanto’s Round-Up Weedkiller is toxic to plants, animals, and human beings alike. It is becoming widely known that the main chemical in this product, glyphosate, causes an untold number of health problems ranging from hormonal imbalances and weight gain to Alzheimer’s disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. As more studies continue to be conducted it seems that there is a never-ending string of unfortunate consequences that inevitably arise from the use of this chemical on our food, and on our food’s food. Here are some other facts about Round-Up that you might not be aware of.

The Amount You Are Consuming is Excessive

And that’s putting it mildly. The majority of glyphosate is used agriculturally on crops that will eventually be transformed into the food you eat and it isn’t lightly sprayed on. It is dumped on. The millions of acres of land dedicated to growing Monsanto’s genetically modified crops are designed to withstand being literally soaked in these chemicals because that is what they must do to survive. While Monsanto is laughing all the way to the bank because they produce not only the seeds that must be used to withstand the chemicals, but they also produce the chemicals that the seeds will need in order to grow without weeds or insects in the appropriate quantities.

In the meantime, people are developing glyphosate-related diseases and illnesses at an alarming rate and that rate is steadily increasing. The chemical nature of glyphosate is systemic, which means that it gets inside of the plants and animals that we are consuming. So simply washing your produce or cooking your meat to a certain temperature is completely useless in terms of trying to eliminate your consumption of the chemical. The two products with the highest levels of glyphosate, according to a Norweigan study, are corn and soy. Don’t like corn? Don’t eat tofu? Doesn’t matter. Read your labels when you shop. Genetically modified, glyphosate treated corn and soy provide the cheap base for literally thousands and thousands of different food products that are all sold in your local grocery store.

Your Risk of Lymphoma is Doubled

A major review of over 40 scientific studies has found that glyphosate exposure more than doubles a farmer’s risk of forming non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The study authors theorize that glyphosate disrupts the normal functioning of white blood cells, throwing your immune system into a sickened, dysfunctional state.

It is Killing Monarch Butterflies

Researchers at Iowa State University found that the heavy use of glyphosate has resulted in an 81 percent decrease in the monarch butterfly population. As a species, monarch butterflies rely on the milkweed plant for both survival and reproduction. When culled through traditional methods such as hand-pulling, milkweed is a plant which has no trouble returning year after year. Sadly, the chemical devices that are being employed en masse have completely overwhelmed the milkweed population and it has ceased any regrowth and is solely responsible for the near decimation of the monarch butterfly population. Don’t forget that by switching to organic you are speaking out against the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture.

If you or someone that you love is suffering from health problems that you believe to be related to Monsanto’s Round-Up Weedkiller then you need to get in touch with one of our experienced Roundup attorneys here at the Brady Law Group. If you would like to receive a free consultation with a professional, please give us a call at (866) 211-2562 as soon as possible so that we can help you assess any claims that you feel you may have.

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