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GM Food and Your Health

A substantial portion of today’s processed foods include some genetically modified food ingredients.  The outcome of this is that millions and millions of Americans (children, infants, and adults too) eat foods that are genetically modified without even being aware of it.  

Modern consumers have absolutely no way of knowing which of the foods they are eating have been genetically modified because the United States Food and Drug Administration does not want these products to be labeled.  Beyond that, the FDA also does not want any safety testing of these GMO foods before they are put on the market for you to buy.

The agency’s head-in-the-sand policy regarding the labeling or testing of genetically modified foods has turned tens of millions of unknowing, unwilling consumers into human lab rats, testing the dangers of hundreds of genetically altered foodstuffs. In 1998, in response to a claim filed by the Center for Food Safety, the Food and Drug Administration admitted in court that it had made “no dispositive scientific findings,” of any kind about the dangers of genetically modified foods.  

So basically, the agency has granted the entire biotech industry free reign over the production and marketing of an untold number of genetically modified foods without the supervision or oversight of any government regulations. They have also been absolved of the responsibility of any safety testing or providing any scientific data confirming that these ingredients are safe to eat.

Potential Health Concerns and Problems

What are some of the health risks we are being exposed to as the result of all of this genetic engineering?

Toxicity – Genetically modified foods are naturally unstable.  Every insertion of a new type of gene is random. These GMO food producers really do not know where their genetic contribution is being inserted into the food. They also do not have enough information about the chemical and genetic makeup of the various foods to discover a reliable place for these genetic insertions.  So what ends up happening is that every genetic insertion into any food becomes the same as playing Russian Roulette. The scientists that are working for these companies praying that the current gene insertion won’t destabilize a previously safe food and end up making it dangerous. Each time they do this they also produce the chance that elements that were once nontoxic in the food could now potentially become toxic.

Antibiotic Resistance – Another hidden potential danger of genetically modified foods is that they are able to make disease-causing bacteria able to easily withstand current antibiotics. This would result in a substantial rise in the spread and the scope of infectious diseases in the world population.  Essentially all genetically modified foods include antibiotic resistance markers which help the manufacturers distinguish whether the new genetic stock has actually been transported into the host food.  The FDA’s mass-scale delivery of these antibiotic resistance marker genes into our supply of food could easily make important and necessary antibiotics totally useless in fighting off a large number of human diseases.

If you or someone that you love is suffering from health problems that you believe to be related to Monsanto ’s genetically modified foods, or to the glyphosate herbicide that is also in your food supply then you need to get in touch with one of our experienced Roundup attorneys here at the Brady Law Group. If you would like to receive a free consultation with a professional, please give us a call at (866) 211-2562 as soon as possible so that we can help you assess any claims that you feel you may have.

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