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How Can I Keep Monsanto Products Out Of My Diet?

If you have been following the news with even a marginal sort of diligence then you have no doubt heard of glyphosate, the dangerous chemical used in Monsanto’s Roundup Weed killer. You will also have been made aware of how dangerous this chemical is to our health and how ubiquitous it is in our everyday lives. It has contaminated our food supply, our water, and our environment. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to protect yourself and your family from the cancer-causing, birth defect forming, kidney damaging, endocrine system disrupting chemical that is currently being foisted upon the public by the gallon.

Eat More Sulfur-Rich Foods

The sulfur that your body needs is depleted by exposure to glyphosate. Your body uses sulfur to help remove heavy metals and toxins from the body. In short, sulfur-rich foods help our body go through its natural detoxification processes. Examples of foods that are rich in sulfur include but are not limited to: eggs, garlic, onions, nuts, apricots, peaches, and organic cheeses.

Eat Organic

Duh. The best way to avoid ingesting chemicals including glyphosate is to stop eating foods that have been sprayed with these things. In fact, research has shown that eating an organic diet for 1 week reduced pesticide exposure in the diet by 90%. If you cannot afford or do not have regular access to food that is grown organically, then your best bet is really going to be growing your own.

Avoid GMOs

Genetically modified organisms were first put on the market in 1996 by Monsanto. These plants were engineered to be what is commonly known as “Roundup ready,” meaning that when the Roundup product is applied to entire crops, the plant will still manage to live. As a result of this, GMO crops are exposed to massive levels of pesticides. If you cannot eat an organic diet, another option could be for you to at least avoid GMOs. This will mean cutting grains, including soy, corn, and canola pretty much entirely out of your diet. These are found mainly in snack bars, cooking oils, sodas, margarine, cereals, baked goods, and biscuits.

Get Plenty of Probiotics

I was surprised to learn that glyphosate is actually a patented antibiotic, meaning it will destroy the microbiome of the soil in a way that affects the Shikimate pathway (a metabolic pathway used by bacteria). Obstruction of this pathway destroys the ability of vegetables to relay the vital amino acids and alkaloids that our body needs but can’t produce itself. Glyphosate is a water-soluble toxin and this fact makes it even more dangerous to our health as it will get into the water systems. Even organic food will be affected, albeit less so than non-organic or GMO. GMO foods have been shown to have very few of these essential nutrients compared to organic equivalents. It’s a toxic double-whammy because our bodies can’t access the very nutrients it needs to detox the body via supposedly healthy food and the glyphosate toxin residues also destroy the gut microbiome at the same time, affecting the immune systems in an inflammatory manner, causing a compromise in the barriers of the gut and brain systems simultaneously. No wonder auto-immune diseases are on the rise and general sickness on the rise.

These are just a few of the precautions that you can take in an effort to keep glyphosate off of your family’s dinner table. Don’t hold your breath waiting for any sort of United States regulatory agency to ban or even moderately restrict Roundup or any of the dozens of other chemicals they manufacture and sell, all of which block the carbon sequestering abilities of our soil, and destabilize our already wildly out of control climate.
Here at the Brady Law Group we have a team of attorneys experienced in the field of product liability. We have the necessary experience and resources to win you all the necessary compensation that you are entitled to under California state law. It is our goal to provide justice for these families that have been harmed by a giant, faceless, corporation that takes pride in the fact that they put money before people. We do not shy away from difficult or complex cases and we go to any necessary lengths to protect the rights of our clients. If you would like a free consultation regarding a Roundup lawsuit that you believe you may have, please reach out to our law firm by calling (866) 211-2562 as soon as possible.

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