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How Glyphosate Causes Disease

The agricultural behemoth Monsanto invented the glyphosate-based herbicide known as RoundUp and began to market it to the public in 1974 after Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was almost universally banned. IIn the late 1990s the use of Roundup skyrocketed, thanks to Monsanto’s clever marketing strategy in which genetically engineered seeds were used to grow food crops that could easily withstand high doses of Roundup. With the introduction of these genetically engineered seeds, farmers could now effectively control weeds on their corn, cotton, soy, sugar beets, canola, and alfalfa crops. The crops would now thrive while the surrounding weeds were eradicated by the dangerous herbicide. After more than 30 years of ever-increasing exposure, scientists have been documenting the negative health consequences of having glyphosate put into our food, into the water we drink, and into the air we breathe. Scientists are now acutely aware of exactly how it is that glyphosate-containing products manage to encourage the growth of disease in the human body.

Round-Up and Gut Bacteria

In plain terms, we already know that glyphosate blocks the shikimate pathway in plants. We also know that it disrupts a similar pathway in humans. Although shikimic acid is entirely unique to plants and is not made in humans, the chemical glyphosate obstructs the role of many different enzymes and amino acids. One of these enzymes in particular, cytochrome P450, is vital for proper gut functioning. This enzyme is made by the gut microbiome and is necessary for helping the body detoxify from xenobiotics, and environmental toxins. In the long run, this inhibition of the cytochrome P450 can lead to a wide variety of diseases, the most notorious of which is known as celiac disease. The well-being of your gut is one of the most critical aspects of having and supporting a healthy body. It is now known that the gut is directly connected to the brain, and to cognitive health as well.

Round-Up Mimics Estrogen

Like many synthetically produced chemicals present in our modern, mechanized environments, glyphosate has been known to imitate the hormone estrogen. What this means is that glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor. Other endocrine disruptors include Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), atrazine, Bisphenol A (BPA), and many phytoestrogens, for example, those that are found in soy. The main side effects caused by glyphosate acting as an estrogen mimicker are noticeable only at the higher levels that a groundskeeper, lawn care professional, or a landscaper might be exposed to. While it is true that most people do not need to fret about glyphosate causing endocrine disruption, we deal with a wide array of endocrine disruptors already, all of which are known to cause a whole host of diseases in men and women including various cancers (most notably breast cancer), cognitive issues, weight gain, reproductive problems, and also hormonal imbalances.

The herbicide known as Round-Up has so many different ways in which it can cause people harm. If you feel that Round-Up may be the root cause of an ailment that you or a loved one are currently suffering from, then you need to get in contact with a qualified California Round-Up attorney before things go any further. The attorneys here at the Brady Law Group are currently taking these types of lawsuits in the wake of current events and the new scientific evidence surrounding glyphosate. If you would be interested in a free consultation with one of our Round-Up attorneys here in the office, please give us a call at (866) 211-2562 at your earliest convenience so that we can go over your case and discuss what options you may have available to you.

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