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What Do We Really Know About Glyphosate?

Glyphosate is an herbicide, meaning it is a substance that is toxic to plant life. It is administered to the exposed parts of plants to eliminate unwanted grasses and weeds. Glyphosate also comes in the form of sodium salt that is intended to control plant growth and mature particular crops. This herbicide was first listed […]

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Why You Should Be Eating Organic, Part 2

In recent months, we have all become aware of the various dangers of the chemicals that are used on our foods. The frontrunner in this topic is the herbicide known as Roundup that is produced and manufactured by agricultural giant Monsanto. Roundup has been linked primarily to the development of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma but studies indicate that its main ingredient, glyphosate, may cause several other types of cancers as well. So, if dying of a perfectly avoidable illness is not on your list of things to do today, how do you handle this problem? One of the best ways to stop this happening to you and your family is to eat organic.

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What’s Next For the Cancer Causing Weed Killer?

The jury assigned to Mr. Johnson’s lawsuit wanted to punish the Monsanto corporation because they believed the company deliberately and actively withheld the fact that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the popular Herbicide known as Roundup, was a carcinogen from the public. The amount of the compensation that was awarded to Johnson indicates that the jury was not convinced by Monsanto’s expert witnesses. Product liability lawsuits are an increasingly popular part of the American lifestyle. There is no shortage of examples of companies that have knowingly added toxic ingredients to their products, so it is important that there is a process for the individuals who have been harmed to hold these corporations accountable.

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Why A $289 Million Verdict Matters To You

On August 10th, 2018, a 46-year-old man named Dewayne Lee Johnson who is currently facing a terminal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma diagnosis, won a monumental legal victory in a landmark case. Dewayne Johnson had used Monsanto’s Roundup as often as 30 times a year while he was employed as a landscaper for an entire California school district. The California jury determined that herbicide, developed and manufactured by chemical giant Monsanto, caused Mr. Johnson’s cancer and that the company neglected to warn him of the health hazards from repeated exposure to the weed killer’s main ingredient, glyphosate. The jury ordered Monsanto to pay Dewayne Johnson a grand total of $289 million.

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