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Terrifying Truths About Monsanto

Out of all the mega-corporations that are currently running wild, Monsanto has routinely outperformed its competitors, earning itself the crown as the most wicked agency on Earth. Not satisfied to merely perch upon its toxic throne of annihilation, it continues to concentrate on unique, and scientifically manufactured ways to cripple the planet and those who inhabit it.

Labeling Laws

Monsanto has fought tooth and nail to keep America from passing any laws that require food labels to indicate that they contain genetically modified foods. 64 of the world’s developed countries currently require genetically modified foods to be labeled as such, but not America. Approximately 70% of all food consumed in the United States contains GMOs.

They Are a Profiteering Chemical Corporation Posing as an Agribusiness

Remember the terrors caused by Operation Ranch Hand throughout the Vietnam War? That’s when the United States military created a chemical warfare plan and used the defoliant and systemic herbicide affectionately known as Agent Orange to maim and kill 500,000 people, and eventually cause birth defects to  600,000 children? Monsanto facilitated that.

They Put Farmers Out of Work

The only thing that is more quintessentially American than being a small, independent family farmer is crushing that farmer’s only means of support in order to reap the profits for your corporate monopoly.

You may have heard the story about the 75-year-old soybean farmer from Indiana who was ordered at the start of May back in 2013 to pay Monsanto $85,000 in damages for handling second-generation seeds that were the genetically modified Roundup Ready version created by Monsanto. The farmer pulled the seeds from the local grain elevator, utilized for feed crop, and planted them. The court determined Monsanto’s patent reaches even to the next generation of its seeds, and the farmer had infringed on the company’s patent.

According to an article in the Guardian Liberty Voice, “Monsanto has increased the price of the Roundup herbicide and exploiting its patent on transgenic corn, soybean, and cotton, to gain control over those agricultural industries in the US…effectively squeezing out conventional farmers and eliminating their capacity to viably participate and compete on the market.” I don’t know about you, but if I wanted to keep a country under my boot heel, I’d make sure that I controlled the food supply.

They Are Privatizing Clean Drinking Water

Nearly one half of the world’s population will inhabit an area with notable water stress by the year 2030, according to calculations from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Corporations like Monsanto and the Nestle Corporation are striving for a future where any free water source is a thing of the past. They desperately want private companies to be in full control of any public water sources. Nestlé Chairman and former CEO Peter Brabeck has been quoted as saying that clean water as a human right is “too extreme” and alleges that water is a foodstuff that would “be of the most use having a value placed on it and being distributed only by the free market.”

If you or someone that you love is suffering from health problems that you believe to be related to Monsanto’s Round-Up Weedkiller then you need to get in touch with one of our experienced Roundup attorneys here at the Brady Law Group. If you would like to receive a free consultation with a professional, please give us a call at (866) 211-2562 as soon as possible so that we can help you assess any claims that you feel you may have.

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