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What is Detoxification?

Detoxification is, by literal definition, the “physiological removal of toxic substances from within your body.” The circulatory and lymph systems work to clean up your individual cells, while the term “detoxification” on a wider scale is principally carried out by your kidneys, liver, and large and small intestines. Other organs such as your lungs, bowels, and epidermis (skin) have a major role in eliminating toxins from your body as well.


“Toxicity” is defined as the “degree to which a chemical substance or a particular mixture of substances can damage your body in any way.” So, what a toxin is, is basically a chemical that is essentially poisonous to the human body. On this list are such notorious chemicals as heavy metals, GMOs, pollutants, pesticides, most additives to food and a litany of chemicals. Regrettably, these toxic elements are buried in everything around you from the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food that you consume, your personal hygiene products and your cosmetics, and the products you buy to keep your house clean. Even the cookware that you use is most likely leeching toxins into the food you prepare for yourself and for your family. Today, in the United States alone, we have more than 85,000 chemicals listed for allowed use with almost no valid safety testing. Our government allows companies to do their own safety testing and then relies on them to let us know whether or not their own product that they manufactured is safe. It’s a total conflict of interest. This absence of checks and balances combined with good old-fashioned capitalist greed has left us with almost no one we can trust and nowhere to turn when it comes to learning about the different products we use and they are really affecting our health as individuals and a population as a whole.


Bioaccumulation is defined as “the accumulation of toxins in the human body”, and has been frequently cited as a significant contributory factor to the rise in chronic maladies such as asthma, cancer, assorted mental conditions, various allergies, and a whole host of autoimmune problems. Due to the fact that we are at the very top of the food chain, when we consume meat that is inorganic, we are absorbing all of the growth hormones, antibiotics, and other chemicals that are fed to the animals, as well as the herbicides and pesticides that are sprayed all over the grains fed to those same animals.

Taking small steps such as installing HEPA filters in your home (cleaning your air), installing filters on all your sink and bath taps at home and investing in a water filtration system for your drinking water (cleaning your water), and buying only organic meat, dairy, and produce (cleaning your food) will ultimately go a long, long way towards improving and maintaining your health. These steps are well worth the little bit of extra effort that they require. If you cannot afford to eat a diet that is entirely organic, then buy organic meat before anything else, or consider cutting meat out of your diet together.

If you or a loved one are suffering from a disease that you feel may have been caused by environmental toxins, specifically glyphosate from the food you have been eating, then you need to contact an Monsanto Round-Up attorney right away. We here at the Brady Law Group have the necessary experience and resources to win you the damages that you are entitled to under California state law. It is our goal to provide justice for these families that have been harmed by any of these products, If you would like a free consultation regarding a Roundup lawsuit that you believe you may have, please reach out to us at (866) 211-2562 today.

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