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Costs Associated with Smoke Injuries from the California Camp Fire

When you think of a California wildfire and the turmoil and devastation they cause across the entire state, you might think of the danger that these events pose to many individuals. When you think of all the injuries that many individuals have sustained in the midst of the Camp Fire of November 2018, your first thought might be those who have sustained burns. Many people do not automatically think about the impact that wildfire smoke can leave behind as it rips through entire cities and towns. However, handfuls of victims have been injured due to smoke inhalation and the horrific effects they can leave on the body.

The Various Types of Smoke Inhalation Injuries

Inhalation injuries can be devastating to a sufferer, as they include harm to the respiratory system and lungs. These are injuries that could impact the rest of your life and the way that your lungs function. Over half of the deaths that are caused by major fires stem from inhalation injuries, showing you how dangerous these injuries can truly be.

There are many symptoms of smoke inhalation injuries that follow a fire, such as coughing, congestion and phlegm, scratchy throats, irritated sinuses, shortness of breath, chest pain, stinging eyes, and more. Smoke inhalation injuries tend to be much worse for those who have heart and lung problems, who might sustain such devastating aspects that it can be life-threatening.

Inhalation injuries require treatment that you might not be able to afford on your own. You should visit a healthcare provider, either in a doctor’s office or hospital setting, so that they can ensure that your airways are not blocked. In many cases, you will receive oxygen therapy and certain medications. Some patients who have suffered drastically will require a ventilator to help them breathe but others will be left with the reality that their breathing problems will be permanent.

Because these injuries require various types of treatment for your recovery, you might wonder how much your case is worth.

What Are Damages in a Personal Injury Case? 

After a smoke inhalation injury, you might wonder if you qualify for what is known as damages. Damages are intended to provide the victim restitution after they have sustained harm at the hands of another party. Though some personal injury cases are pretty cut and dry, others can be especially difficult and you might not be able to place a dollar amount on your case. This is especially true if you are still in the midst of treatment and unsure of what the future holds, or when you have suffered on an emotional level from your injuries. The main point of recovering damages is to put you back into the position you were in before the injury occurred and wreaked havoc on your life. Here are just a few types of damages that might become prevalent in your case:

  • Compensation for the medical bills that arose from your injuries;
  • Lost wages from missing time at work;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Emotional distress caused by your injuries;
  • Wrongful death, if the smoke inhalation injuries took the life of a loved one; and/or
  • Punitive damages meant to punish the defendant.

Dangers of Smoke Inhalation 

There are many long-term and even permanent dangers associated with smoke inhalation, which is what can severely impact the remainder of your life when you never expected it. Here are some dangers that are prevalent from smoke inhalation:

Oedema: Oedema is the buildup of fluids that takes place in your airways after you have breathed in smoke. You could experience a variety of symptoms about 24 hours after you have inhaled smoke, such as a sore throat, coughing, wheezing, phlegm production, and more. Without support for the worst symptoms, you could lose your life, which is why these injuries should always be treated with care.

Asphyxia: Asphyxia is when there is a restriction in the small airways in your lungs. You could actually die due to suffocation as a complication of this condition. The airways could become so badly damaged in such a short amount of time that they could fail to function.

Pneumonia: Pneumonia could occur when the irritants inside smoke inflame your lungs, leading them to fill with fluid and giving you an infection.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Carbon monoxide poisons the blood and can quickly turn into a deadly scenario. A sign of poisoning is bright red lips.

Cancer: Because smoke can contain harmful carcinogenic chemicals, this can damage your cells and lead to lung cancer. Many people make claims for these types of cancers every year. 

ARDS: ARDS is also known as acute respiratory distress syndrome, which can develop from smoke inhalation and breathlessness. This could cause you to need a ventilator so that you are able to breathe freely.

Compensation You Might Expect from Your Claim 

Costs Associated with Smoke Injuries from the California Camp FireIf you have received a smoke inhalation injury that you believe will heal over time but could affect your ability to breathe while you are healing, you might receive a lesser payout that somebody who makes a smoke inhalation claim from an injury that is causing permanent disability. Either way, you could expect thousands and thousands of dollars in compensation for your injuries. This is especially true in cases where you receive a permanent injury that could lead to the loss of life, such as an aggressive form of lung cancer.

If you have suffered toxic fumes during the Camp Fire, our attorneys at Brady Law Group are very understanding of what you have been through and completely dedicated to helping you work toward the damages you deserve during this difficult time. Many people have sustained catastrophic injuries in the midst of the California Camp Fire. Our wildfire accident attorneys understand that you have been through one of the most challenging things in your life and want to offer our support to you. Contact us for more information at (866) 478-6483.

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