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How the California Camp Fire Became One of the Most Dangerous Fires

Many people have suffered devastation at the hands of the California Camp Fire but, unfortunately, many of these people have not had their questions answered concerning the fire itself. Why was this fire one of the most destructive fires that happened in California thus far? What caused it to spread so quickly? How are entire cities going to move forward after all of these losses? These are questions that you might have concerning the Camp Fire and the dangers that it caused for many across all of Northern California.

The History of the Fire’s Beginnings

How the California Camp Fire Became One of the Most Dangerous FiresAround 6:30 a.m. on November 8, the California Camp Fire broke out with astounding speeds and proportions, breaking through many towns and cities across Northern California. At one point, due to the fire’s activity and the speed of the wind in certain areas, the fire was able to burn through 80 acres of forest in just one minute. The fire eventually crashed through the town of Paradise, which is where it completely obliterated an entire town full of 27,000 people. 18,000 structures were burned to the ground, which means that entire families were displaced, people were injured, and others were killed. In just several weeks, the death toll rose to 88, which is one of the most destructive, fatal fires to happen thus far throughout the state.

To put into perspective how serious this fire is, let’s look at how it compares to others in the past. As of November 12, the Camp Fire blazed through 111,000 acres, killing many people, leaving others accounted for, and displacing over 150,000. Here are the other three largest wildfires that California has experienced:

Thomas Fire: The Thomas Fire stretched from December 4-January 12, 2017 and is known as one of the biggest blazes that California has experienced. The fire burned over 280,000 acres and destroyed 1,063 structures. The unfortunate fact is that many still have no idea to this day what started the fire.

Soberanes Fire: In July 2016, the Soberanes Fire started when an illegal and abandoned campfire started blazing through forests. It had been fueled by tall grass and timber. The fire burned for an astounding three months until it was completely contained. The fire was also known as one of the most expensive, which cost $229 million in resources when all was said and done.

Long Valley Fire: The Long Valley Fire sits just behind the Camp Fire with 83,733 acres burned in total. The fire was first ignited in July 2017 and fueled by sagebrush and grass. Fire officials still investigate the fire to this day.

The truth at the end of all of these wildfires is the fact that the damage stemming from them can be extremely devastating for all involved, displacing entire families from their homes and taking the lives of loved ones. After these fires have been resolved, who pays for the damages and who helps you move past this difficult time? Currently. PG&E is being held liable for their role in this atrocious fire that took lives and injured others, and you will need an experienced attorney on your side to help you in the midst of your claim.

At the Brady Law Group, our experienced wildfire accident attorneys are here to help you and your loved ones protect your rights during this difficult time. We hope to help victims of the California Camp Fire receive the compensation they deserve to move forward after they have been affected by these reckless acts on behalf of PG&E. Whether you have suffered devastating and harmful injuries due to the wildfire or lost someone you love, we understand how devastating the impact of the Camp Fire has been on many lives and are willing to stand by your side when you need us most. Contact us today for more information at (866) 478-6483.

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